Why, Hello there!

This is my first post on my bran-spanking new blog. This blog will focus mainly on sport and more accurately, the sport I enjoy (selfish, I know!) I've always been a fan of sport and have been involved with sport for my whole life. My family have been driving down to Llanelli to watch the mighty Scarlets a long time before they beat the All Blacks back in 1972! As well as watching, I myself have played rugby for a couple of years now and have had the opportunity to represent the Scarlets and Wales. This blog will focus heavily on rugby, however, it will also focus on other sports that I love, such as cycling. Cycling is one, if not the, favourite sport I like to watch and to participate in. Of course I will also concentrate on big tournaments such as Tennis Grand Slams, World Cups and Olympic/Paralympic games. One thing I can't guarantee though is football coverage. I have tried, but I just can't get to love football. Yes I'll watch a match here and there if needs be, but it really isn't one of my favourite pass times! So lets get this ball rowling, it's time for kick off!


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